Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Orchid Species


Cymbidium orchids

There are over 25,000 orchid species and more than 100,000 hybrids. While the layperson may refer to these as "types of orchids" there are in fact only two different types of orchids.

The two types of orchids are terrestrial orchids and epiphytes. Terrestrial orchids include orchid species that grow on the ground. Epiphytes are orchid species that grow in trees. Both terrestrials and epiphytes can grow in one of two ways - new shoots can appear alongside the original growth causing the orchid to spread, or new growth can be added to the apex which increases the height of the orchid.

Orchid Species

Both types of orchids are very popular with flower enthusiasts. Some well-known terrestrial orchid species include Cymbidium and Calopogon. Some popular epiphytes are Dendrobiums and Bulbophyllums.

Of course, the two types of orchids also are represented by rare orchids. Because of the popularity of these flowers, there are some species of rare orchids which are endangered due to habitat destruction or smuggling. Because of the high prices that rare orchids can fetch on the open market some rare orchids have become extinct.

Terrestrial Orchids

Of the two types of orchids, terrestrial orchid species are among the mostpopular. Cymbidium orchids, for example, have 40 species and thousands of hybrids. These were one of the first species of orchids to be cultivated. As well as growing on the ground, they can also grow on trees and rocks. Their natural habitat extends from southeast Asia to Japan and Australia.

One of the reasons that Cymbidium orchids are so popular is that they are easy to grow. Cymbidium orchids are a popular choice for beginners and they will provide beautiful flowers every year with the proper care.


The term epiphytes is not reserved to a type of orchid. It refers to any plant that has a root system above ground.

Dendrobiums are the best known of this type of orchid. There are over 1000 species of Dendrobiums and they are native to Northern India, South East Asia, Australia and Polynesia. These tropical areas typically have warm, humid growing conditions, and Dendrobiums usually do best when kept warm and moist.

Dendrobiums are also easy to grow but require slightly more care than Cymbidiums and do not flower as easily on a regular basis.

Another popular epiphyte species is Phalaenopsis. These orchids are easy to grow and have long-lasting flowers. Phalaenopsis (also called Phals) are often seen at weddings and can be found in various colors including pinks, yellows, and stripes. have long lasting flower and are rather easy to grow. These colorful flowers are a favorite at weddings and are available in pinks, yellows and stripes.

Types of Orchids

Orchids (family Orchidaceaeare) are the largest family of flowers in the world.

Most people associate orchids with with the tropics, however many species can be found in temperate and colder climates.

Adaptibility is one key to their evolutionary success. They grow almost anywhere.

The majority of orchid species are characterized as epiphytes, plants that grow on trees. The top picture shows an Oncidium orchid, the largest genera of orchids. Most are epiphytes.

Others grow on and around rocky outposts, forest floors, and like other flowers, from the earth's soil. The calypso orchid is one example of a terrestrial orchid.

With over twenty five thousand species organised by over eight hundred genera, a discussion of types of orchids could range from a brief and practical review to an encyclopedic review.

Because their colorful flowers make them a favorite house plant, botanists and orchid enthusiasts commonly discuss types of orchids in terms of their light, water, temperature and nutrition needs as house plants. Some genera such as Cattleya, are high light orchids, requiring a good deal of sun or artificial lighting when grown indoors. Phalaenopsis, on the other hand, are medium light orchids that grow well without extensive sun exposure.

Species in the Cattleya, Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum genus are considered relatively easy to grow house plants. Dendronian and Miltoniopsis growers usually encounter a few more challenges.

There are close to two hundred and fifty native orchids found in the United States. According to Florida Evironment, roughly half of the species are found in that state.

Calypso, White Bog and the Coralroot orchids are the native orchid species discussed. Cymbidium orchids are non-native species commonly grown in Southern California gardens.


Orchids are known for their delicate beauty and exotic character. Evolving through an intricate and interesting history, the meanings of orchids include love, beauty, luxury, and strength.

The orchid family, Orchidaceae, is the most numerous in the plant kingdom. There are about 25,000 to 30,000 known species of orchids around the world. Orchids are found in all continents except Antarctica, from hot tropical jungles to the cold climate in North America. However, some orchids are found only in certain region of the world and nowhere else, for example, the Vanda genus colonizes only South East Asia.

There are two types of orchids: terrestrial orchids and epiphytes. Terrestrial orchids, such as Cymbidium, grow on the ground, while epiphytes establish themselves on trees. Each type of orchids can grow in two different ways:

  • Sympodial orchids: the new shoots emerge alongside of the old plants, causing lateral spread. Catleya is sympodial-epiphytes. Most epiphytic- sympodial orchids have storage stems, pseudobulbs or bulbs, to help them survive the dry season.
  • Monopodial orchids: new growth is added to the apex, increasing the plant's height. The leaves are arranged alternately around the stem. Examples of monopodial orchids areVanda, Phalaenopsis...

Most popular orchids grown today are hybrid species, creating by plant breeders in their hundreds of thousands. These "new" species may be the result of crossing two related species, or from three to four different genera.